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Southland Strong in Stats

 Once again Southland proves to be a strong performer for investors. In the latest REINZ Capital Gains and

Rental Yield Report, Southland came up third overall for the greatest capital gains and rental yield. Capital
gains for the province was 12.2% for the last six months and second overall for rental yield at 4.4% down
just 0.1% from 4.5% this time last year. In this month's rent review statistics from MBIE Invercargill retained
strong demand for rentals with low housing stock creating pressure for tenants to look for a home and
increasing the rent values. A 4% drop in the number of rentals available for this time last year in September.
Southland came out on top with the biggest percentage increase in rental price year on year.
A massive 13.5% increase from this time September last year.
We are still seeing lots of enquiry for our available rentals coming from outside the region and with
immigration delays easing the demand for housing is only going to intensify.
Southland stats staying strong.


Data has been sourced from the REINZ Capital Gains and Rental Yield Report and Trademe property statistics. If
you would like a copy of the Reinz report please email [email protected] or call 03 2174554